Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 2717
Author(s): Hodder, Karen.
Title : Elizabeth Barrett and the Middle Ages' Woeful Queens [discussion of Barrett Browning's translation and editorial work on "Geoffrey Chaucer Modernized;" concentrating particularly on the figure of Anelide, Queen of Armenia, who is betrayed in love by Arcite].
Source:   Edited by Leslie J. Workman and Kathleen Verduin Studies in Medievalism , 7., ( 1995):  Pages 105 - 130. Special issue: Medievalism in England II. Edited by Leslie J. Workman and Kathleen Verduin
Year of Publication: 1995.

2. Record Number: 9545
Author(s): Favier, Dale A.
Title : Anelida and Arcite: Anti-Feminist Allegory, Pro-Feminist Complaint [The author argues that a pro-feminist impulse in Chaucer’s early poem “Anelida and Arcite” conflicts with the anti-feminist (misogynist) allegorical tradition upon which it borrows. In this tradition, poetry’s betrayal of literal meaning reflects men’s betrayal of women. Anelida’s complaint against Arcite (as well as the poet’s negative portrayal of Mars and Theseus) challenge this anti-feminist literary tradition. Chaucer’s interest in female-voiced complaint carries over into much of his later work. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Chaucer Review , 26., 1 ( 1991):  Pages 83 - 94.
Year of Publication: 1991.